Sunday, November 2, 2008

Tresonance and Coaching - how they complement

Over the last few months, i have been conducting a program 'Leader as a coach' for one of the leading telecommunication service providers of the world. During this program, i realized how the model of Tresonance is applicable to having a good coaching conversation between a coach - manager and her/his coachee - team member.
One of the key aspects of coaching is a deep understanding of the coachee by the coach. The passion or thrill and the competencies, skills are important elements that the coach must learn about the coachee.
Many a times, the coachee is unaware of her/his thrill drivers and skills/strengths because no one, including himself, has spent reflection time to uncover these. So, this session becomes useful to uncover a knowledge of these for both. Sometimes, the coachee has a perception of his 'thrill' and 'skill' but no real deep dive is done to validate or to reaffirm this 'knowing'. This becomes an important part of the initial dialogues between the coach and coachee.
Understanding of the thrill and skill factors helps the coach be a more effective facilitator in helping the coachee arrive at appropriate career choices. Once that pathway is understood with higher clarity, the role options over the next few years and the competencies that ought to be focused on which are more relevant to those future role, will become evident.
To summarize, the Tresonance model is a powerful way to deep dive into a coach coachee relationship and provides an effective framework for building career pathing options.
Over time, if done with integrity, more square pegs will be in more square holes. This will unleash tremendous energy and actually accelerate the overall process of evolution of the universe.


Unknown said...

Very insightful. Would work well in small groups. How would one reach out to each person in large groups? Thinking of tresonance as "bi(multi)directional transfer of energy " one can then think of how to transmit that energy like wave through a larger group.

VastuAcharya Manoj said...

I agree with your views, however, I have found that in many companies in India the Coaching program starts with a bang but loses steam sometime in the next 3-6 months.

I suggest that as a thought leader you should devise mechanisms in the training process which enables sustainance of coaching to achieve its fullest benefit.

Anonymous said...


I have been teaching as a guest lecturer and at workshops for quite some time now. I agree with your observations. For a coach, it is essential that he have a wide exposure of not only the subject being taught but on a number of peripheral, but related, areas as well. Most of the time, the persons attending the workshop or the sessions, are there because they have been ordered to do so. Therefore, the coach has to be ever vigilant. There are a number of other important issues. I would love to discuss them with you whenever you are free.

TPS Jassal