Thursday, December 1, 2011

Evolution of my life purpose

In the parlance of Balanced Scorecard, thrill and skill appear to be lead indicators to one's drill and, in turn, one's life purpose. In my last post, I had spoken about my self discovery of making connections as my thrill.

In September 2011, I attended a retreat, "Happiness Habits" by Nithya Shanti. One of the exercises in that retreat was to focus on one quality that we wish to manifest in our lifetime. I chose 'oneness'.

It is fascinating how this quality of oneness seems to link up to my earlier stated thrill of 'building connections' and some new found perspectives.

For example, building external connections is a sure way of creating one large 'collective' - a oneness. I also realized that, in many ways, people whose behaviors i seem to abhor in life actually represent unhealed parts of me. If truly i am divine, then i have all aspects and facets to myself. If I positively hate in case someone comes late, it means that there is a 'shadow' in me, that part of me which may not mind being late and i have not accepted that part of myself and fully integrated it within me.

In other words, my journey of oneness has all those as my big teachers in whom i don't like something. How wonderful.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Redefining my Tresonance

This is indeed an interesting journey. The definition of Tresonance is absolute but the components are dynamic, unfolding and enriching with life's experiences.

I have been sharing in the past that my 'thrill' is about spreading knowledge and how this phrase also evolved from the earlier one of 'teaching'.

Over the last two years spent in Prerna Centre of Learning, I have begun to sense another unfolding of my thrill.

Over these years, i realize that i have either established social e-networks or have been a part of them. My school (where 150 out of my class of 200 are e-connected today), parents of my daughter's school, members of my sub functional teams in my previous company (Bharti Airtel) are some examples of the networks that i have established or co-created whilst i am a part of at least another half a dozen.

During 2009, I was able to participate in the creation of ChittaSangha, a Consciousness Collaborative of facilitators who are focused on a shared purpose of building 'conscious' individuals and organizations. This collaborative will become a serious catalyst in helping build 'conscious' corporations that are responsible and live in harmony with their environment.

These examples are not of an ego trip but of a discovery i am making about my thrill. Which I am realizing is about building and deepening 'connections' - building these networks and spreading knowledge, ideas and inspirations through these 'channels' seems to be a more complete description of my thrill now.

Over the last 9 months, I have been pursing a course in Indian Psychology offered by the Indian Psychology Institute, that operates under the patronage of Sri Aurobindo's Ashram, Pondicherry. This course has played a catalytic role in my personal transformation journey and my heightened understanding and unfolding of my thrill and skill.

I see 2010 as a defining year for organizations and institutions in their evolutionary journey, and more so for my own personal journey, aided with a richer understanding of and deepening connection with, my own self.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

The 'WILL' in Tresonance

An interesting dialogue recently happened around Tresonance with a participant during one of my workshops.

In order for someone to work at discovering their thrill, skill and trying to align it to their drill, you need a will to do so. And that is an extremely important aspect. I wish to talk about that here.

I have realized that there are only 2 things in life that can help you attain the escape velocity to break out of an existing paradigm. One is PAIN and the other is ASPIRATION. It is as true of organizations as it is for individuals that the desire to change is really triggered by one of the two.

I looked back in my life to see what the triggers were.

On 21 Dec 1992, after a hard fought cricket match in Gillette where i was the hero taking 7 wickets, i woke up at night sweating, with pain in my left arm. The pain was natural as I am a left handed bowler but the sweating in December was unusual. So we landed up in a nearby hospital and the doctors confirmed my worst fears. They said it was a Myocardic Infarction (MI - a heart attack).

Sure enough, i was put in the ICU for 3 days and then recovered in the hospital for another week or so. I spent that new year's lying in bed and reflecting what i had been through. I got myself discharged after fighting with the hospital since my stay was only adding to the bill and not to the treatment.

I was home for another 3 weeks to slowly recover from the heart attack. I was only 35 years old at that time.

That one month gave me a huge opportunity to think about my life, where i was heading, what i was doing. At this time, my mother gifted me a book 'Autobiography of a Yogi' by Sri Paramhansa Yogananda. I figured out this 'higher order' conspiracy only in retrospect.

That month of January 1993 transformed my life. The shock of a heart attack followed by the book that created a huge sense of 'seeing light' and a burning aspiration that followed thereafter, were the twin forces that broke me out of my entrapment.

In February 1993, I went for some additional tests to a more recognized hospital. They conducted a Stress Thalium test where a die is injected into your body whilst you work the treadmill. The photographs are intended to map out the scar areas created by an attack. Strangely, there were no scars to be found anywhere. The hospital clearly said that this did not seem like the heart of someone who had MI. They stopped short of alleging that i was perhaps a victim of commercial exploitation.

The purpose of this event was, however, served in more ways than one. The most important one of them was to create the trigger for my change using PAIN as the driver.

The book, on the other hand, gave me an entirely new perspective to life itself. It came to me at a time when i was reflecting, contemplative and therefore open to receive. That knowledge, coupled with my own reflection and state of being, created a burning fire inside me which translated into a very different outlook to my career and what i wanted to be in my life.

Today, i see organizations and individuals struggling to generate that escape velocity. To gather that courage, that 'will', to make the change in the direction of their Tresonance.

To them, my message is simple. You have a choice; either to figure out an aspirational trigger which can be a higher order sense of purpose, a vision, a calling. Alternatively, wait for that pain which is likely to be induced externally, when you will be left with no option but to push forth in that direction.

The sad part is that the pain comes only to the chosen few, and i was fortunate in that. Many of us can go through an entire lifetime in a comfort zone, made even more so by their financial success.

Today, the universal pain being felt by many as a result of the recent socio economic and environmental events are merely the unfolding of this opportunity. I am hopeful that this will create the WILL for a much larger number of us to introspect, go within ourselves and initiate the journey towards our TRESONANCE.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Tresonance and Coaching - how they complement

Over the last few months, i have been conducting a program 'Leader as a coach' for one of the leading telecommunication service providers of the world. During this program, i realized how the model of Tresonance is applicable to having a good coaching conversation between a coach - manager and her/his coachee - team member.
One of the key aspects of coaching is a deep understanding of the coachee by the coach. The passion or thrill and the competencies, skills are important elements that the coach must learn about the coachee.
Many a times, the coachee is unaware of her/his thrill drivers and skills/strengths because no one, including himself, has spent reflection time to uncover these. So, this session becomes useful to uncover a knowledge of these for both. Sometimes, the coachee has a perception of his 'thrill' and 'skill' but no real deep dive is done to validate or to reaffirm this 'knowing'. This becomes an important part of the initial dialogues between the coach and coachee.
Understanding of the thrill and skill factors helps the coach be a more effective facilitator in helping the coachee arrive at appropriate career choices. Once that pathway is understood with higher clarity, the role options over the next few years and the competencies that ought to be focused on which are more relevant to those future role, will become evident.
To summarize, the Tresonance model is a powerful way to deep dive into a coach coachee relationship and provides an effective framework for building career pathing options.
Over time, if done with integrity, more square pegs will be in more square holes. This will unleash tremendous energy and actually accelerate the overall process of evolution of the universe.

Friday, February 29, 2008

Love what you do OR Do what you love?

As i crossed the magic age of 50, this has been a key question with me. Many of us get trapped in our pay packets and ambitions. We also rationalize that it is possible to love what you do.
I agree but only up to a point. I have been through situations in life where i could love what i was doing but i figured that it just did not match up to the spark of moments when i was doing what i loved.
Each one of us has a responsibility to discover our unique potentiality and area of contribution ideally suited to accelerating the evolution of our planet. I understand today that anything i do must have people, alignment and change at the heart of it. Softer areas of organization and people development are more energizing than the hard world of numbers and processes. Those are also important but there is more to life even in an organization that we must uncover.
This realization will guide my future choices for sure.
But I urge each one of you to take time out to unravel what your thrill and skill areas are. Go and ask your friends, parents and your colleagues and bosses. They will tell you. You will also know through reflection what these are.
And then look at making conscious choices to align your 'drill', your 'work area', to these.
It will be tough to give up all that has defined you so far but, in the long run, you would have done yourself and this universe a favour

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Where are you in your tresonance journey?

I realize that it took me almost 26 years of my working life to give tresonance its name.

When i was a kid, i used to like teaching other kids. I would help my sister with her maths and was generally popular in school and college for helping others with their studies, mostly in maths and stats.

As i grew older, i realized that i liked to run training and facilitation programs. Even as a sales manager, i was more keen to participate in the training day for my sales reps than i was in reviewing their performance numbers.

This convinced me of my thrill. Interestingly, the thrill definition evolved from 'teaching others' to 'spreading knowledge'.

Even today, this is clearly my thrill area. I take more pains than others to share what i find out and what i know. Sometimes, i share indiscriminately. The persons may not even be interested, yet i do so.

I guess that is what thrill means.

Discovering skill was an equally interesting and evolving journey. I had discovered my elocution abilities in school and my flair for theatre in college. However, it took me almost 20 years of work life to comprehensively discover my skills or core competence. It is also interesting how my definitions in this area also evolved.

From labelling them as presentation, communication and facilitation skils, i graduated to calling these influencing skills. I also figured i had an ability to build and engage teams, many a time from scratch.

With this combination of thrill and skill, i finally figured out the drill - engaging in the business of transformation; which aligns my thrill and skill wonderfully.

Interestingly, this drill is neutral to my choice of organization or function. I could well be in a hospital or in an NGO or even in a consulting company. Or, where i am today, in a large telecom company working to transform the way our customer service processes ought to work.

The alignment anchors one internally and creates a sense of joy.

I am extremely keen to know if you have managed to figure out your skill and thrill and have you found the right drill?

It is more of an introspection. Do write in your comments and own story to enrich mine.

It would be great to get an enrichment through multiple perspectives.


Saturday, July 21, 2007

Tresonance - an introduction

Well. Let me start by saying what tresonance is, in brief.
We are joyful and successful in life if we are able to align 3 things in ourselves
1. Our thrill - when doing something gives us pleasure, time stands still, we are willing to re-schedule our priorities for it. This, in short, is our passion area
2. Our skill - this is a core competence area for us. This is our skin. We are better than many in this. The competence has been tested in different situations and acknowledged and validated by friends, family members and professional colleagues
3. Our drill - our career, profession or choice of lifestyle is such that it provides ample opportunities to do those things that give us thrill and that use our skill
This alignment is what i call tresonance, or transformational resonance.
For, when this alignment happens, there is a significant impact that the individual begins to make on his or her immediate surroundings, materially and spiritually. The size of this impact grows with time and can make a 'dent' in the universe if this state is maintained.
It is my belief that we must seek to understand our 'thrill' and 'skill' and to look for a 'drill' that creates this alignment. That is a sure way to joy and also success in the end.